Editorial+, 2015-2024
Hand-painted illustrations for various publications and organizations.

Client: Max Brown Hotels, 2018-2023
Hand-painted illustrations were created of the actual spaces in and around this Amsterdam hotel, along with spot-illustrations, which were used to help evolve Max Brown’s brand to create a new visual identity.

*Graphic design documentation by Studio Lidderdale

Co-owner and illustrator at Pilgrim Paper Co., 2015-2019
A paper goods studio creating illustrated cards

Each card design was hand-painted with gouache on paper before being reproduced.

*Photo documentation by Nelle Clark, DJ Shiflet, and Anna Kasabyan

SPICY METAL Issue 1: Bursting, 2017
Original illustrations done with gouache + colored pencil

A comics journal published by
Mount Analogue and Cold Cube Press. Each issue is centered around two artists and one theme.

Client: McSweeney’s, 2015-2016
Illustrations for an ongoing column, Inside Witnesses: One Crime’s Many Narratives by Marti Jonjak

“[At] a Seattle bar called The Twilight Exit, James Anderson shot two people, then was killed by police. These events reverberated through dozens of lives, including Marti Jonjak’s, because she was there. So were cooks and customers and bartenders and karaoke hosts and bouncers. Through interviews and testimony, Marti profiles the figures from this surrounding world.”